June 2017
Welcome and Introductions
Invited Guests
· Paul Josey – Fry’s Spring Neighborhood resident Paul Josey will provide a summary of the Charlottesville Tree Commission and PLACE Design Task Force annual reports.
Old Business
· Moore’s Creek Dam – Department of Public Works reported that the site work was successfully completed and they will be working on the interpretive signage over the coming months.
New Business - ?
· Virginia Primary Election – Tuesday, June 13th. Each of the candidates for City Council and Commonwealth Attorney that will appear on the primary ballot were invited to introduce themselves at a recent FSNA meeting. Due to a mistake on our part, a typo in his email address, Commonwealth Attorney candidate Jeff Fogel didn’t receive his invitation. We have offered him the opportunity to introduce himself here. Mr. Fogel wrote:
The Commonwealth Attorney is in a position to create structural and systemic change to a system long in need of repair and I will, as well, be an advocate to the other components of that system. In other words, to be part of the solution and not part of the problem and to help light the way for others to follow. Unfortunately, Charlottesville is a contributor to mass incarceration and to racial disparities in the criminal justice system. We need to systemically examine all policies that feed mass incarceration and racial disparities. The people who commit acts of violence or prey on our community need to be punished, and an office under my leadership will do so. However, many people who are non-violent and do not prey on the community would be far better served through mental health services, substance abuse treatment or other holistic services that provide healing, opportunities to rebuild family structures and reduce the burden to taxpayers. Some of my specific proposal are below.
1. Keep as many non-violent people out of the criminal justice system as possible by referral to social service, treatment services and other agencies;
2. To reduce as many first time felony cases to misdemeanors as possible so that people have a chance to become productive members of our community;
3. Assure that the office would be a death penalty free;
4. To argue for low or no bail for those unable to afford pre-trial bail,
5. Not to overcharge crimes in order to secure pleas bargains and to constrain the power of judges and juries to impose overly lengthy sentences;
6. Not to charge anyone with an offense that carries a mandatory minimum sentence. Instead find another comparable offense to charge;
7. To carefully scrutinize all cases secured by searches to determine whether the search was legal and whether any racial element infects the process;
8. To carefully scrutinize all cases brought by our local drug task force, especially with informants:
9. To carefully review policies and practices that may increase racial disparity;
10. Not prosecuting mere possession of marijuana;
For a full look at my background and platform see my website at FogelforCCA.us.
· Adopted City Budget – The adopted 2018 City Budget has been published online at: http://www.charlottesville. org/departments-and-services/ departments-a-g/budget-and- performance-management/fy- 2018-adopted-budget
· Free Trolley Detour - Beginning Monday, June 12, Charlottesville Area Transit (CAT) will implement a long-term detour for the Free Trolley. Construction on McCormick Road will prevent the route from serving bus stops between the McCormick Road Bridge and University Avenue. The detour will last through Friday, August 11. To navigate around the construction, the Free Trolley will use the McCormick ramp to reach Emmet Street. The route will then travel north on Emmet Street before making a right onto University Avenue. A temporary bus stop will be installed on University Avenue near the Newcomb Road intersection. Passengers who typically board the bus at the Chapel should instead use the temporary bus stop.
· 2018 Comprehensive Plan Update Kick-Off – Over the next year Charlottesville will be undertaking an update to the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The Plan is our vision as a community that guides decision making process for such matters as Land Use, Housing and Transportation. The last public workshops (with identical format and information covered as all the previous workshops) will be held Wednesday June 21, Charlottesville High School Atrium, 6 – 8 pm
· Fry’s Spring Station Social – The neighborhood associations of Fry's Spring, Jefferson Park and Lewis Mountain are getting together to offer our neighbors a chance to hang out and get to know one another. The Station will offer food specials. There will be live entertainment following our happy hour. Come join us! Thursday, June 25th, 5:30 to 7:30 PM.
· Sounds of Summer – The City of Charlottesville Parks and Rec Department will be holding a free concert at Azalea Park on Saturday, August 19th. Mark your calendar!