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Monday, November 26, 2012

Found An Injured Animal?

This from Fry's Spring resident Brenda Lambert:

call me if you find injured or orphaned wildlife (434-296-9240.) just got my state permit to do wildlife rehabilitation at home. also working closely with rockfish wildlife sanctuary in nelson, and the expert re-habber nathou. we do birds, mammals, reptiles. getting rabies vaccination so i can help raccoons, bats and skunks. come one, come all! brenda lambert

How Is Charlottesville Dealing With Storm Water?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Old Lynchburg Road, Safety, Sidewalks and Drainage Update

From Charlottesville City Engineer Tony Edwards on November 14th:

"City staff has been working hard to verify that the bid documents provided by Finley Asphalt & Sealing , as general contractor, are complete as required. I realize that their name is misleading perhaps, but they are capable of providing all the site work services that this project requires and their previous employers have given them high marks.  We feel that award of the contract can be made soon so we will be setting up a pre-construction meeting date next with the contractor."

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Friday, November 9, 2012

November FSNA Agenda

Fry’s Spring Neighborhood Association
November 14, 2012

Azalea Park Update
Brian Becker

Oktoberfest Recap
Mike Farruggio

Hardy Whitten
CAT Discussion
Hardy Whitten

FSNA Constitution/Bylaws Review
Hardy Whitten

Other Business

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

New FSNA Board Elected

On Sunday, October 21st the Fry's Spring Neighborhood Association elected a new board.

President - Hardy Whitten
Vice President - Inessa Telefus
Treasurer - Terri Di Cintio
Corresponding Sec. - Hiroshi Parker
Recording Sec. - Mike Farruggio
Pres ExOfficio - Peter Hedlund
At-Large members:
Brian Becker
Hillary Bracken
Jeff Greer
Susan Elliott
Kerry Hannon