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Friday, May 16, 2014

What Do You Want C'Ville Streets To Look Like?

City of Charlottesville         


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  "A World Class City”

TO:              City Council
FROM:         James E. Tolbert, AICP, Director
DATE:          May 9, 2014
SUBJECT:   Street Design Charette Workshops

From May 27th through May 30th the Toole Design Group and City Staff will be conducting a Design Charette on City Street Design.  There will be stakeholder meetings, presentations and drop-in opportunities during the week.

This memo is to give you background information and the schedule of  meetings. 

All meetings are at City Space.

The first is a stakeholder meeting for neighborhood leaders.  This is not a public meeting so we would like for you to come or send one representative of your neighborhood.  The meeting is

Wednesday, May 28th          Large Room                1:30 p.m.                                Neighborhood Leaders

There are several opportunities for public participation in this process.  Please invite as many of your neighborhood as possible to come to some of these.

The public opportunities for the week include (all at City Space):

          May 27th    5:30 p.m.                      Ian Lockwood Presentation

          May 29th    11:00 am – 1:00 pm    Drop In Discussion
                             6:30 pm – 8:30 pm      Open House

          May 30th    4:30 pm – 5:30 pm      Final Presentation

We hope that you can come to these meetings. 

Below is additional background information.

In February 2014, City Council reaffirmed its commitment to creating complete streets for all users and adopted a resolution to consider the context surrounding the streets as part of any future street design process. As part of the resolution, Council directed staff to undertake a planning process that will reflect the understanding that streets serve a multitude of transportation, economic, social, recreational and ecological needs that must be considered when deciding on the most appropriate design.

The first phase of the planning process will kick-off on May 27th with a 4 day street design workshop that will establish a vision to better accommodate and prioritize the multiple users of Charlottesville’s streets and we hope you will be able to share your insight throughout the process. The public is invited to attend a kickoff meeting on Tuesday, May 27th to learn about the process and hear a presentation from Ian Lockwood on the topic of Livable Streets. Drop in times are scheduled on Thursday, May 29th from 11:00 am -1:00 pm and from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm for public to review progress. Revised drawings based on public input will be available for review and comment on May 30th at a final presentation from 4:30-5:30 pm at City Space.  We hope you will save the dates!

The creation of the Street Design Guidelines shows the City’s commitment toward balancing the needs of all street users, with a particular focus on the pedestrian environment and how streets can be used as public space. The Guidelines will recommend streetscape elements based on the type of street (local collector, arterial) and the character district the street passes through (downtown, neighborhood center, traditional neighborhood, local or regional commercial, recreation/open space, or industrial, etc.).

Next Steps:
Throughout the summer, city staff will be reviewing relevant City ordinances and engineering standards that affect the way our streets are designed to achieve the vision set out during the street design workshop.

A final plan that will include the results of the policy audit and street design workshop will be completed by June 2015.


cc:     Amanda Poncy

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Old Lynchburg Road Safety, Sidewalks and Drainage Update

Here is the Old Lynchburg Road Sidewalk Safety and Drainage Project update for 5/ 13/14.

Vess Excavating will start their work on 5/14/14 with saw cutting the asphalt at various location along OLR.
The drainage work is still anticipated to begin near the intersection of OLR and Middleton Lane .
The work will  proceed from there up Old Lynchburg Road.
It is expected that the work will be substantially completed within 21 days.
Traffic controls will be in place and traffic will limited to one lane during day time work hours.
Neighborhood Sign location has been verified.
Snow’s Nursery has completed the new tree work along the corridor.
The top soil, seeding and mulching has begun.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Old Lynchburg Road Safety, Sidewalks and Drainage Update

Hello everyone,
Here is the Old Lynchburg Road Sidewalk Safety and Drainage Project update for 5/6/14.
The task order bids were received and reviewed. Vess Excavating will be performing the work.
This work is being scheduled to begin on Thursday 5/8, near the intersection of OLR and Middleton Lane.
The work will  proceed from there up Old Lynchburg Road.
It is expected that the work will be substantially completed within 21 days.
Traffic controls will be in place and traffic will limited to one lane during day time work hours.
Snow’s Nursery has begun the new tree work along the corridor.
The top soil, seeding and mulching items are to  soon follow.
Thanks to all,